Corp. Governance

Articles of Association and Operating Procedures:

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Internal audit operations:

The company's audit office is an independent unit, subordinate to the board of directors, with three auditors. The appointment and removal of the audit supervisor is approved by the board of directors. In addition to possessing the applicable qualifications required by the Securities and Futures Bureau, they must also continue to study professional courses related to internal auditing every year.

Anti-corruption reporting mailbox

RiTdisplay Corporation requires its colleagues and manufacturers to avoid unjust enrichment and conflicts of interest, and there must not be any violation of the integrity statement or commitment. The company has set up an "anti-corruption reporting mailbox" to accept reports from employees, suppliers, third parties and customers through this mailbox to ensure the rights and interests of the company.

When reporting letters, please use your real name, indicate the company name, attach your contact information, and must state the exact content or evidence clues. Reporting letters will be investigated in a confidential manner by the audit unit. After the investigation is completed, the investigators will prepare an investigation report and carry out internal punishment or/and initiate legal prosecution.