
Environment policy

Confirmed the laborer safety and health in the production process and the work activity,Value the energy and Implement recycling and avoidance the environment impact。To achieves the enterprise responsibility,compose environment ,safety and health management system ,and continues to improve, Our company will following:

  1. Follow the laws、Implement ESH:

    Follow the ESH laws and Policy and execution the improvement method 。
  2. Risk management、Continual improvement:

    For achieved improves continually goal to monitoring environmental pollution and laborer safety and health harm factor and risk。
  3. Prohibition use 、green production:

    To achieving the goal of prohibition use harm chemical and persisted the green production,conforms to the request from customer and the another。
  4. ESH performance、Communication:

    Encouragement on ESH performance,Communicate ESH issues with suppliers and contractors and laborer。
  5. Training、Healthy promotion:

    Conduct ESH training to achieving the goal of Environmental,Safety and Health management;employees health to prevent occupational hazards and diseases。
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